What is Child Consultation?
Child Consultation is a chance to hear from children about how they are experiencing living between two homes with the aim of parents implementing some of what they learn into their agreements to help support their child's developmental, emotional and psychological wellbeing during different stages of separation.
Can the Mediator be the Child Consultant?
In some cases, it may be appropriate for your mediator to also meet with your child as the Child Inclusive Mediator. This will be assessed by your mediator in your individual intake appointment. If your mediator does not think this is appropriate you will be offered a referral to another Child Consultant.
Is Child Consultation Compulsory?
No. Child Consultation is a process whereby both parents must agree to the child meeting with a Child Consultant. However, Article 12 of the International Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989) stipulates that "Parties shall assure to the child who is capable of forming his or her own views the right to express those views freely in all matters affecting the child, the views of the child being given due weight in accordance with the age and maturity of the child".
Is Child Consultation Suitable in all Cases?
No. Your Mediator should first assess whether Child Consultation is appropriate for their process. Additionally, the Child Consultant will assess whether the process is suitable. If Child Consultation is not suitable, you will likely proceed with your mediation process.
What Age is Appropriate for Children to Meet with a Child Consultant?
Generally, children from the age of 5 years and up can participate in this process. Activities will be tailored to the child's age and stage of development.
Will a Child Consultant Assess or Diagnose our Child?
No. A Child Consultant is not trained to conduct any form of psychological assessment on children.
What if we Consent to Child Consultation but our Child Doesn't Want to Speak?
Children are never forced to participate in the session if they do not wish to. At the commencement of the session the Child Consultant will explain this to the child and they are free to leave if they wish.
Will we be Told Everything that is Discussed in the Session?
Not necessarily. Child Consultation is a safe space for children to discuss anything they wish. They will tell the Child Consultant what information they give consent to share with their parents and the Mediator. A safe adult will always be told if there are concerns about the child's safety, or the safety of anyone else.
Are These Appointments Offered Online?
Sometimes. The Child Consultant will assess whether meeting your child online is appropriate, but generally these sessions occur in person. If an online service is offered children generally need to be older than 10 years.
What Questions will our Child be Asked?
Child Consultation is not about drilling children with questions. Our Child Consultant will do a range of play based activities that are appropriate for the child's age and stage of development. Play based activities allow children to express themselves with symbols and metaphors which creates rich narratives of their lived experiences. Although, sometimes, older children prefer to speak about their experiences, but this is led by the child.
Do we Receive a Written Report?
No. There are no written reports or notes provided to either parent or their Mediator.
1 hour meeting via phone or Zoom
Per Parent. Excl. GST
1.5 hour meeting with one child in person or online
Cost is Per Parent. Excl. GST
Up to 1.5 hour online meeting to provide information from meeting with child
Cost is Per Parent. Excl. GST
Individual parent meeting, 1.5 hour meeting with one child, preparation and presentation of information with parents and half day mediation
Only for cases assessed as suitable
Cost is Per Parent. Excl. GST
1.5 hour meeting with each additional child
Cost is Per Parent. Excl. GST
Prices are excl. GST - Room hire fees may apply for in person appointments - all fees are payable in advance of appointments - cancellation fees may apply
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